How to read your copy

Reading is a skill you have already mastered. Right?? Or at least you should have mastered it by now. :p I also believe that writing is another important skill we can and must work on daily (if possible!).

Eagerness for discovering, eagerness for reading and learning should and will drive you this year and the upcoming ones. I hope!

A word of advice. Never get discouraged. You’ll have to read a lot and spend quite some time in the dictionary to improve your drafts.

Dictionary. This lad is going to be your best friend ever!! So you better get to know him and don’t forget to look up his besties: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms…

You might have guessed it the purpose of this post, is to allow you to motivate you and get you ready for the written part of the bac. Therefore, this document I’ve created will help you understand my remarks on your writing tasks such as articles, narratives… and it will focus on the code I’ll use to correct your copy. Do not worry I will often post method sheets to help you improve your skills in other domaines.

Ms. N

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